DHS PG9 Power-G 9 Shakehand (FL) Blade
Double Happiness - Class 7-ply wood blade with high elasticity and excellent holding. A quick recovery from deformation and superhigh speed make quick-attach plus loop driver freely.
Compare to PG7, PG9 is softer which makes looping very fast and feel great.
- Style: Quick attack plus loop
- Handle: FL (Long Handle)
- Blade Thickness: 6.3mm
- Blade Type: Wood
- Plies: 7
- Weight: 89g
- Made in China
DHS | Double Happiness | blade | PG-9 | power-g9 | shakehand| ping pong | Long Handle | FL | 紅雙喜 | 乒乓球拍 | DXCF232-1 | DXCF232 |